65th Annual Convention


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You never know what you're made of until you're challenged. As many of you know, the American Philatelic Society, American First Day Cover Society, and the American Topical Association were planning to host the first-ever Great American Stamp Show in Hartford, CT, this past August. Unfortunately, a global pandemic forced us to cancel the in-person show.

However, we agreed that the show must go on. In just five short weeks, the APS, AFDCS, and the ATA pulled together another first instead, the Virtual Stamp Show. Over the weeklong event, thousands of collectors from all over the world joined the show to shop, connect, and view exhibits. None of this would have been possible without the outstanding leadership and volunteers of the AFDCS.

We held 70 events with some coordination, including the wildly popular AFDCS Hospitality Suite, in a virtual format. In addition, in partnership with the U.S. Postal Service, the AFDCS organized a successful first-day ceremony for the Innovation Stamps. Thanks to Foster Miller and Pete McClure for designing a great cachet and all the work the AFDCS put into making the ceremony a success!

We surveyed attendees following the show, and 80 percent agreed the show was excellent or good. We know that virtual shows are not a replacement for in-person gatherings, but it’ll do for now.

We don't know how long this pandemic will limit meeting in person. My hope is we're all able to gather for our joint show in Chicago in August 2021. In the meantime, we're so grateful to have the AFDCS's support and leadership in challenging times. It's also why I have been a proud AFDCS member since 2016. Thank you!

Scott English
Executive Director
American Philatelic Society

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