August 6 - 8, 2010
Oak Brook, Illinois

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Play Ball! The show got off to a rousing start with the dedication of the Negro Leagues Baseball stamps. Among the honored guests were former NLB players Hank "Baby" Presswood (left) and John "Lefty" Washington (right), who regaled the crowd with their memories of facing the legendary Satchel Paige.

The Americover Fund Raising Auction was well attended, with spirited bidding on a set of autographed Chris Calle FDCs closing above $200. In the end the auction raised over $2,400 for the Society. Rollin Berger ably served as auctioneer.
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Executive Vice President Michael Litvak (left) congratulates Ralph Nafziger on winning the Grand Award for his exhibit, The 3-Cent Oregon Territory Issue. Reserve Grand went to Charles O'Brien III for New York World's Fair 1939, while Anthony Dewey picked up the Best Single Frame Exhibit award for The 1-Cent U.N. First Issue and its First Day Solo Use. Click for complete palmares.

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The Hospitality Suite was jumpin'! This popular meeting spot was hosted by three AFDCS chapters: Robert C. Graebner Chapter, Claude C. Ries Chapter, and the Chicagoland FDC Society.

Teri Basinger (right) and Betty Brown of USPS Stamp Fulfillment Services gave a presentation to a standing room only crowd. Videos of operations at SFS gave everyone a look "inside the cave," and Teri and Betty took questions from the audience. Everyone who attended received a free gift compliments of the Postal Service--a framed pane of the 1998 Trans-Mississippi stamps.
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One of the most popular events at any Americover is the Cachetmakers' Night Owl Bourse, and this year was no exception. In the foreground, Lloyd de Vries (left) and Chris Calle (right) greet customers.

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Norman Elrod (right) received the AFDCS 2010 Distinguished Service Award. Click here for a full report on the service awards presented to six members.

Ries Chapter whirlwind Kathy Clements took on the task of applying postmarks to all the various show covers. As evidenced by the cover below, Kathy is always hitting the mark!
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Thanks to everyone who made Americover 2010 a success!

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